Outdoor weapons practice is an Iwama-Style Aikido tradition. In addition to regular Iwama Aikido weapons classes, we hold regular outdoor weapons classes. We practice and teach the Bukiwaza, or weapons techniques, created by O-Sensei, and codified by Morihiro Saito Shihan. We are the only Colorado Springs Aikido dojo that has extensive training in and experience with the Iwama-Ryu weapons curriculum (Aiki-ken and Aiki-jo). Anyone that wishes to come practice with us, is welcome!
Classes are two hours long, and are scheduled on our dojo calendar. We’ll be at the practice site about 30 minutes prior to class starting. Observers, beginners, and Aikido students from other area dojos, are all welcome. Cancellation and rescheduling/relocation, due to either weather, or other events will be announced on our Facebook page and on our Twitter Feed.
Who Can Attend?
Everyone is welcome, regardless of status, affiliation, or experience! If you aren’t a regular member of our dojo, please email us before hand to let us know that you’re showing up so that we know to keep an eye out for you. Payment of our 10.00 mat fee, if you aren’t a dojo member, is always appreciated, but this isn’t a requirement to attend. We’re always looking for practice partners, and we enjoy sharing what we know with anyone that’s willing to show up.
What Should I Bring?
First, and foremost, yourself. We dress in street clothes for outdoor practice. Please wear something loose fitting and appropriate for outdoor activities. Keiko-gi is optional. If you own a bokken and jo, please bring them. Any personal weapons should be robust enough to support full contact practice against a heavy bokken or jo. We recommend against “Red Oak” or lighter weight weapons, as they have a tendency to break/shatter and are dangerous for paired practice. We also recommend that you use a bokken with a blunt kissaki (tip), to reduce the possibility of injury to your training partners. If you don’t have weapons, please let us know via email, and we’ll bring some spares!
Practice Location
Our outdoor practice location is at Roy Wasson Park. Wasson Park is located close to the dojo at the intersection of North Circle Drive and Constitution Avenue. The most convienient place to park is at the dojo. We’ll meet there before class, and walk to the park. If you’re late and we’ve already left, the safest way to get to the park is to walk to the back of the dojo building and walk West (toward the mountains) on the Rock Island Trail. There is a tunnel that crosses under North Circle Drive. North Circle Drive can be very busy and we recommend crossing using the tunnel. Once you exit the tunnel, you should be able to spot us under the trees on the Southeast corner of Wasson Park.

Weather Cancellations…

If the weather is uncooperative, as it often is along the Front Range, we’ll announce cancellations via our Facebook page and Twitter feed. If there’s any question about the weather, check there before heading out. We’ll also try to contact everyone directly if the cancellation is on really short notice. In general, we’re going to try to stick to training in all but the worst weather.
Additional Details
If you arrive and you can’t find us, or you have any “day of” questions, please SMS or call the dojo phone number [(719) 301-9048]. We have mobile coverage and the dojo’s number rings over to our personal mobile phones. If you SMS, please be sure to introduce yourself if you’re not a dojo member. Please feel free to email/call with questions at any time!