Over the weekend we submitted a Letter of Intent to the landlord of a 1404 sq ft space in SW Colorado Springs. Modifications to the space are fairly minimal, and the monthly cost is about the lowest we’ve found in Colorado Springs. The location is pretty good, and the layout is such that we’ll have a couple of sizable changing areas, several bathrooms, a small office space (enough space for a coffee pot and fridge!), and enough continuous empty space to support a 10m x 6m mat with a small observation area (which can be used for mat expansion in the unlikely event that 60 square meters of mat space isn’t enough…)

At this point, it looks like we’ll be laying 2″ thick Zebra “tatami” mats. I’m pinging friends that I know have used these mats to get a little feedback… The jury is still out on whether we can lay these directly on concrete or not. I may need a layer or two of underlayment…

The big item in critical path at this point is the build out on the space. I should have a schedule estimate from the leasing company over the next few working days. Then… Ordering mats!